Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Major innovations in technolog essays

Major innovations in technolog essays Major innovation in the pursuit of leisure Although it doesnt come to many people minds transportation in itself can be a leisure activity. Most people dont realize how far weve come from the horse drawn carriage. Bikes First bike invented by German Baron Karl Drais von Sauerbronn Simple design. Wooden plank set on 2 wheels.the first model didnt prove to be that much than simpy walking. 1871 The Penny Farthing is also referred to as the 'High' or 'Ordinary' bicycle, and the first one was invented in 1871 by British engineer, James Starley. Bike with large front wheel. Most effectiant yet front tire had rubber tubbing. Also had pedal on front wheel which gave it movement. 1885 Over a twenty-year span, the British brought the bicycle to its present form, thanks mainly to James Starley of the Coventry Sewing Machine Company. In 1885 the Starley Rover safety bike was born Early 1770 The unknown inventor accomplished dry land skating by nailing wooden spools to strips of wood and attaching them to his shoes. 'Skeelers' was the nickname given to the new dry-land skaters The late 70's through mid 80' - A second big skating boom occurred with the marriage of disco and roller-skating. Over 4,000 roller-discos were in operation and Hollywood began making roller-movies. 1979 - Scott Olson and Brennan Olson, brothers and hockey players who lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota, found an antique pair of roller skates. It was one of the early skates that used the 'in-line' wheels rather than the four-wheeled parallel design of George Plimpton. Intrigued by the in-line design, the brothers began redesigning roller skates, taking design elements from the found skates and using modern materials. They used polyurethane wheels, attached the skates to ice hockey boots, and added a rubber toe-brake to their new design. ...

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